there are different degrees of excellence 意味

  • 優れているといってもさまざまな程度がある


        different degrees of ionization:    電離度{でんりど}の違い
        have different degrees of ability:    能力{のうりょく}に差がある◆主語には They や The students of this class のように複数{ふくすう}の人を表す語がくる
        have different degrees of curvature:    屈折度{くっせつ ど}が異なる
        with different degrees of intensity:    (症状{しょうじょう}などの)重さの度合いが違って
        among countries with different degrees of market economy maturity:    市場経済{しじょう けいざい}の成熟度{せいじゅくど}が異なる国家間{こっか かん}で
        excellence:     excellence n. 卓越, 優秀, 優越. 【動詞+】 achieve excellence in one's chosen field 自分の選んだ分野で卓越する I can attest its excellence. その優秀さを証明できる His composition can claim the highest excellence.
        by degrees:    by degrees 一歩一歩 いっぽいっぽ 段々 段段 だんだん
        (academic) excellence:    (academic) excellence 優等 ゆうとう
        academic excellence:    学問的{がくもんてき}な優秀{ゆうしゅう}さ
        artistic excellence:    芸術的優秀{げいじゅつ てき ゆうしゅう}さ
        center of excellence:    卓越{たくえつ}した研究拠点{けんきゅう きょてん}、優秀{ゆうしゅう}な頭脳{ずのう}と最先端設備{さいせんたん せつび}から成る中核的研究拠点{ちゅうかく てき けんきゅう きょてん}◆【略】COE
        desire for excellence:    優越性への欲求
        excellence of climate:    申し分のない気候{きこう}
        excellence personified:    優秀{ゆうしゅう}さの象徴{しょうちょう}[化身{けしん}?権化{ごんげ}](のような人)
        for excellence in scholarship:    学業優秀で


  1. "there are deformities in the respiratory system" 意味
  2. "there are delays on all flights" 意味
  3. "there are demands for a cheaper edition" 意味
  4. "there are dents in the pewter" 意味
  5. "there are detailed stipulations in article 4" 意味
  6. "there are different patterns of behavior in the male and in the female" 意味
  7. "there are different strains of hiv" 意味
  8. "there are different ways of joining the aristocracy" 意味
  9. "there are different ways to happiness" 意味
  10. "there are dents in the pewter" 意味
  11. "there are detailed stipulations in article 4" 意味
  12. "there are different patterns of behavior in the male and in the female" 意味
  13. "there are different strains of hiv" 意味

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